Allen - Interview by Dawn Reese
Dawn Reese
Allen Interview

Allen(Page 1)

To All my readers, I want to introduce a Top Casting Director in California, That is a True Treasure to Really Help Talent and a Great Person, with advice on What he does to Help talent get on Movie Sets, to your Top TV Shows, Let me Introduce Allen From Central Casting.

Dawn: Hello Allen Thank you so much for taking the time out of your Day to get back to me. First Can you tell me What is your Job at Central Casting.

Allen: My pleasure. My job is that of Casting Director. I hire talent for television, commercials and film.

Dawn: What Featured Films and TV show s have you Worked on in the past few Years.

Allen: My features have included: Galaxy Quest with Tim Allen; National Security with Martin Lawrence; and Fail Safe with George Clooney. My TV shows are currently: The West Wing; Scrubs; King of Queens; Everybody Loves Raymond; The X Files; The Gilmore Girls; Once & Again; among others.

Dawn: Can you tell my Readers from all over the World, About Central Casting, and How they can sign up and what days, and what they would need, what Ages, you start at. And where they need to go with the hours, Can you give an Information line they can call, for new Talent

Allen: Central Casting registers motivated, talented people of all ages (over 18). Mon, Wed, & Fri 10:30am-11:30am (non-union) &Tues& Thur. 10:30-11:30am for SAG members. The info number is: (818) 562-2755 (24 hours a day).

Dawn: Can you give us a Little History on Central Casting And When It started how many Years ago.( this is such an Interesting Story)

Allen: Central Casting was formed by the studios under Famous director Cecile B. DeMille in the 1920's to cast bit parts and background actors for movies. It is now the oldest and largest casting agency in the world.

Dawn: How many people would you say are Registered with Central Casting from over the Years.

Allen: At any given time there are up to 100,000 pictures in our data base.

Dawn: What I like is once your registered with Central you have a woman's work line for non Union and Union and men's line, and you can call in and See if there is work, and the best Part, you might be working on one of your favorite shows and You get paid in the next week, that is what I like.

Allen: Yes, and you get to rub elbows with Hollywood's elite.

Dawn: Once Registered with Central, Do you need to update every year, can you let my readers know on this.

Allen: Once you register you are set for 2 years, after that you'll need to drop in for updates from time to time.

Dawn: Can you tell the Pay for extras for Non Union and Union, And something's you go into over time.

Allen: Right now the base pay rate is $105.00 for basic union background, 125.00 for standins, 110.00 for photo doubles. For non-union the base is a mere $54.00 for eight hours and of course you're paid for any over time.

Dawn: Can you tell me if Central Casting has a Website,

Allen: Yes, it's

Dawn: Can you give my readers some Idea, how your day is like as a casting director and how many hours do you work on a TV show or film.

Allen: My day begins with a call to production companies to see what's happening for the following day. They fax me a crew call sheet which gives me needed information about what stage or location the show will be working that day, it also supplies me with characters that I need to hire. I then speak on the phone with one of the directors or asst. directors who fills in all the missing info. I then record what I looking for onto my work line and wait for the calls to roll in. I also attend production meetings about once a week. I would say I spend about an hour and a half on each show that I cast for.

Dawn: What Happens if they do not have Professional Pictures when they Sign up And if they do, Can you take them for your File. And Do you take Video on their Talent.

Allen:  Professional headshots are not required when you register but it is something that will be necessary as your career progresses. We take one photo with our digital system and it is placed in your computer file. We usually do not videotape unless we require you to come in an audition for a particular part.

Dawn: This is important, more Casting directors, are going Digital as many are not going to open Envelops with. Headshots, is this happening now, and it is easy to access, talent from the Internet. to book for TV & Film

Allen: I think a lot of casting directors will still prefer the old fashion way. But, it's always a good idea to keep up with the times.

Dawn: What has been the most Rewarding Part of your Job.

Allen: I've had a few people who have started as background and later became series regulars. That's always gratifying.

Dawn: Do you have any Advice to talent about How to Survive in Hollywood, as many people think they can move to California, and it is so easy, and it is networking and Connections,

Allen: Be willing to do whatever it takes, be commited to your goal. And most of all be persistent. It won't be easy but if you stick to it, you'll be rewarded.

Dawn: Do you have any Stories on yourself on how to survive in Hollywood. As real stories help others make it to achieve their Goal and Knowing you can keep going for your dream.

Allen: I was fortunate, I got this job within hours after arriving in L.A., so I'm not a good example.

Dawn: How did you start out in Showbiz.

Allen: I started as a Production Assistant on a Varity Show on TNN network, I later became an associate producer. Through connections, I starting casting made for tv movies. I moved to L.A. and immediately started at Central Casting.

Dawn: How did you become a Casting Director for Central,

Allen: I answered an ad in Variety. I faxed over my resume and was hired immediately.

Dawn: This is a Very Important Question, Many Stars have been Extras, can you tell my readers some of the Stars now that have been Extras With Central Casting.

Allen: Yes, we've had our share. Brad Pitt is one of many.

Dawn: Many Agents here in Hollywood say do not do so much extra work, as I have my own Saying on this, If your not out on auditions or work from your agent, Get On a Set from Central Casting. can you tell talent Advice from you about this.

Allen: It's ok to do extra work, just don't put it on your acting resume as "featured."

Dawn: Can you tell talent, that what they write down on their Paperwork such as what they do in life from their Job to hobbies, that casting directors book them on shows, because of their talents.

Allen: It's always good to have an extensive wardrobe. A tux, formal gowns, various uniforms, etc. And special abilitites like motorcylcing, skking,etc.

Dawn: Now I have seen this on Many sets, Upgrades, from the Director, when your at the right place at the right time, You had me on speed 2 and I was upgraded to a stand in for the Cruise director, & Dance with me, I was an extra and then The Director said I need you to be a Judge, I said That is what I do and she said That is why I picked you and I have seen talent get their Sag cards, because, the Director needed an extra to say something, in the Film or TV show, can you tell my readers it does happen and one Story you know of, to tell them it does Happen.

Allen: Upgrades do happen. I recently had on guy booked on a TV show, the principal actor was sick and didn't show. As a result the guy that I booked on the show was upgraded and given lines.

Dawn: Many People think they are to Old to work in the business, now, the Reality of this is, you cast for all ages, and You can be on sets till you are how old, Advice from Allen on This.

Allen: You're never too old!! We use 18 to 118.

Dawn: Now many Pageant and Talent Directors will want to know if you would ever like to Judge Beauty Pageants, around the World, if so where do they call you and email you. And would you be interested, as they call me all the time to Book Judges for their talent event.

Allen: That would be great!

Dawn: I look forward to having you Judged our Hollywood International Photo contest, for talent around the Us at Win Edge & Studio 104 Productions.

Allen. Sounds good

Dawn: Any advice you would like to tell talent from the Heart.

Allen: Once again, I'd like to reiterate, be persistent and it will pay off in the end. All goals are attainable if you are serious and committed.

Dawn: I will put you on the VIP List for the Pre Grammy Party in Feb for my TV Show and see you on the Red carpet, My 5th year in the Press room, and This year with our Production company, Studio 104 Productions (Please Tell Rodney Epps I said Hello , I judged a Beauty Pageant with him a few Years back.)

Allen: Thank you, that sounds exciting. I spoke to Rodney, he sends his best to you as well.

Dawn: I want to thank you for your time, To Give Talent the Best advice to Help their Career and learn more about Central Casting, and Again I really enjoyed being on The show, West Wing from you a few Times, As a Reporter, It was a Blessing, to me. Again Another Winning Connection from Your Hollywood Reporter

Dawn Till Dusk interviews, thats me with my VIP Guest, Allen, from Central Casting, and Please say Dawn Reese sent me, you can email me at

800 519-5845

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